Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

  • Jamal Atif

    • Co-organiser of RTE workshop, a one-day RFIA associated workshop on Reasoning on Space and Time (http://www.lri.fr/~atif/RTE2012/ ).

    • Reviewer for Information Sciences, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, and many conferences in computer vision

  • Anne Auger

    • Member of the ACM-SIGEVO Executive (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (was the International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms before 2006);

    • THRaSH, Theory of Randomized Search Heuristics workshop, member of Steering Committee;

    • Editorial Board of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press; Guest editor of Algorithmica special issue and ECJ special issue

    • Proceedings chair of the GECCO 2012 conference

    • Reviewer for IEEE Trans on Evolutionary Computation, ECJ, Journal of Global Optimization, JMLR, JOTA, MEME, PC member of PPSN, GECCO, EuroGP, FOGA

    • Co-organizer of GECCO 2012 Black-Box-Optimization-Benchmarking workshop.

  • Nicolas Bredeche

    • Track chair ALIFE at GECCO 2012

    • PC member: Evostar 2012, Evorobot 2012, CEC 2012, SAB 2012

  • Philippe Caillou

    • PC member at ECAI 2012

    • Coordinator of the SimTools Network (RNSC Network)

    • Reviewer for Simulation, Studia Informatica Universalis

  • Cyril Furtlehner

  • Cécile Germain

    • PC member for: IEEE/ACM Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGRID) since 2009; Utility Cloud Computing (UCC) since 2011; IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing since 2005; SP Cloud workshop; EGEE/EGI user forum since 2008.

    • Member (elected) of the University scientific council and board (Conseil Scientifique de l'Université et bureau).

  • Nikolaus Hansen

    • Editorial Board member of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press;

    • Co-organizer of the Dagstuhl Seminar 13271 Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms

    • Tutorials at the LION and ACM-GECCO conferences

    • Co-organizer of the ACM-GECCO 2012 Black-Box-Optimization-Benchmarking workshop

    • PC member of most of the important conferences in the area of Evolutionary Computation

  • Yann Ollivier

    • Frequent refereeing for many of the main mathematical journals.

  • Marc Schoenauer

    • Elected member of ACM-SIGEVO Executive since 2003 (Special Interest Group on Evolutionary Computation (was the International Society on Genetic and Evolutionary Algorithms before 2006); member of ACM-GECCO Business Committee (2012-2013).

    • Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Member of Steering Committee (since 1998);

    • Co-chair with Youssef Hamadi (MSR Cambridge) of the LION'6 conference (Learning and Intelligent OptimizatioN) in Paris, January 2012.

    • Editorial Board of Evolutionary Computation, MIT Press (Editor in Chief, 2002-2009); Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag; Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier; Natural Computing Series, Springer Verlag.

    • PC member of all important conferences in the area of Evolutionary Computation (ACM-GECCO, PPSN, EvoStar, IEEE-CEC, SEAL, SAC, ...).

    • Honorary Adjunct Professor, School of Computer Science, University of Adelaide, Australia (renewed until end 2015).

  • Michèle Sebag

    • Member of the CoNRS; Senior Advisory Board CHIST-ERA; member of the CSFRS (Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et Recherche Stratégique);

    • Pattern Analysis, Statistical Learning and Computational Modelling NoE, Member of Steering Committee (PASCAL 2004-2008; PASCAL2, 2008- );

    • Editorial Board of Machine Learning Journal, Springer Verlag; Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer Verlag.

    • Member of the European Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery from Databases Steering Committee since 2010;

    • ECCAI Fellow since 2011;

    • Workshop Chair of ECAI 2012 (Montpellier, August 2012);

    • PC member of the major conferences in ML and EC worldwide;

    • reviewer for ERC applications; FNRS (Belgium), NSWO (Netherlands).

    • member of CCSU: LRI, Paris-Sud; LPMA, Paris-Diderot.

  • Olivier Teytaud

    • Reviewer for various conferences and journals in optimization and machine learning.

    • Organizer a forum in Taiwan (http://top.twman.org/2012frtw ) for developing collaborations between European and Taiwanese experts of energy management.

    • Organizer of an international meeting in France (combining academics and companies) as detailed in Section 8.5.1 .